Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Rosalind Welcher

this could be such a beatiful world
this could be such a beautiful world if ...
the brooks
the streams
the rivers
the lakes
the very sea itself
were fresh
and clean
and sparkling
once again

the skies were clean
and blue by day
and filled with stars at night

if the wind blew
sweet and pure
the rain was only
the treees continued
to grow tall
on the hills
and the meadows
were knee deep
with daises and clover

if the forest were alive
with animals
and the sky with birds
and the waters with fish

if people would only stop
hunting and hating
and those around them

if we could all care
just a little more
and fear just a little

if everyone could feel
just a little bit
for one another
of what i feel
towards You
and You feel
towards me

this could be such a beatiful world

Nuff said - Gordon


Anonymous Anonymous said...

SK - that's lovely.

11:19 PM  

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