Saturday, January 22, 2005


All Quiet On The Western Front
By Phil Ochs
The ?? are ??
hear so much news
?? follow ??
the freeways ?? used
It's all quiet on the western front
The murdering missiles
they want to fly
While thousands of people
are ready to die
It's ever so lonely
to live the lie
And it's all quiet on the western front
I guess I'll join the National Liberation Front
The boys on the bases
They flay at the ball
The stock market crashes
The stock market falls
And the high school principal
is led to the wall
And it's all quiet on the western front
The civilized nations
abide by the code
They learn from the victors
to do what they're told
Even Israel's marching
down Germany's road
And it's all quiet on the western front
I think I'll join the National Liberation Front
The war babies try to crawl
back to the womb
Assassins and astronauts
race to the moon
And Eisenhower lies like a saint
in his tomb
And it's all quiet on the western front
I sit on my back porch
I sing on my song
I wait for the earthquake
to come with the dawn
If there was a God
wouldn't take him so long
And it's all quiet on the western front
I guess I'll join the American Liberation Front

Thanks to Trent.

Nuff said


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