Monday, July 04, 2005


I have worked, until four in the morning, all of my political career, to eradicte poverty, illeterature and premature death all over my planet. Nobody, no one is ever ever going to stop me for restoring the balance between rich and poor in this world. The poor toil, whilst the rich pluck the golden apple, that the poor have grown, from their tree.

On Wednesay I will, peacefully, lay down my body in front of their airy fairy words and dead foot tanks and say enough is enough - you can roll your tanks but they will never flatten me.

When they are old and incontinent the starving continents will say we forgive, we forgive, your sins, even though you are bad Samaritans. Will their Lord whoever he/she/it is forgive them? I think not.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny thing, but I got lambasted for saying Live8 was not all it was made out to be. Yes, it was a good concert, and yes, some more people pledged to "make poverty history".

Trouble is, the way I see it, we all have to make radical changes in the way we conduct ourselves before anything this monumentous can happen. I'm talking about our disposable culture - our reliance on the motor vehicle and oil - our abuse of poorer nations - forcing them to work long hours for little money, in order we can get our stuff cheaper.

Yes, corruption needs to be eradicated in Africa - but I'd like to see corruption eradicated here. I've never thought of myself as a communist - but I'd like to see a world where people have a social conscience and take responsibility for their actions. Is this too much to ask?


11:33 PM  
Blogger said...

KRO TM - It may be you and me facing the firing squad - with pride - hang on in there boy.

11:47 PM  

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