Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Bob's Tail!

Bob, the village estate agent, once arranged a viewing at a nice house in Lifton. Now the house had been vacated by the previous owner and Bob had the keys. But there was a problem.
If Bob did not switch off the alarm system within 30 seconds it automatically rang the police to say that their was an intruder in the premises.

So Bob rushes from his car, opens the door and switches off the alarm. A few seconds later the nervous client arrived and says, "Bob a car was careering down the middle of the road and I had to swerve up onto the grassy verge to avoid it." "Who was driving", says Bob. "No- one" says the client.

Bob dashes outside only to see HIS car rolling down the road. He was really, really worried 'cos there were children playing, in the road, in the distance. He rushes after the car but its going too fast for him to catch it. Suddenly the car takes a left and smacks into an Austin Cambridge parked outside a cottage.

Bob , breathless and ashamed arrives at the scene and surveys the damage the Austin is a write off. He gingerly knocks on the door and a middle aged man opens it and Bob asks if he van come in. "Of course" says the man, who was quite large and Bob thought - if he hits me I'm in trouble.

I'm so sorry", he says "Silly old fool I left my handbrake off and my car has smashed into yours and its a wreck". The couple fall about laughing and Bob says, "No this isn'a joke I'm perfectly serious -the rear end has been lifted orf the chassy". They collapse to the floor with laughing. Bob patiently waits for them to stop their frolics! They finally recover themselves .

The wife says to Bob, "It was parked outside waiting for the breaker to come and tow it away. We were worried to death 'cos we couldn't afford a new car. Now your insurance company will buy a brand new model for us". Bob collapses to the ground in laughter. He lost his no-claims for five years but has been dining out on the yarn for years.

And by the way every time they pass Bob in their new limo they too, toot, toot and wave to him, just like children.

Every credit Bob.


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