Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Labout Party terrorists

attempted to throw out an octanagarian gentleman from leafy Richmond today who had the temerity to shout out "Nonsense" whilst our failed Foreign Secretary Jack Straw attempted to justify the British illegal occupation of Iraq.

This is just the behaviour that our Prime Minister wants to stop - nay not stop but whisk the culprits out of the country, or into jail without trial. Well said Tory Tony put those violent bastards in jail.

We are almost becoming a facist state where free speeech must be suppressed at all costs. Hypocites all. Stand up for our rights, in the street, in the pub, on the phone, on the net, in the media and say what you want to say. It was your birthright and do not dare let the members of this government, many of whom were once communists attempt to gag you with their suppresive and thuggish tactics. Bollocks to them all says I.
Gord Help Us.


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