Monday, February 28, 2005

Glynis and Neil Kinnock, Norman and ME

Left wing theatre lovies and realism.

Norman, nice man but the worst TUC biscuit ever, intruduced me. GCHQ - will never resign from my union, whilst they were sipping and eating from their Bentley's vote SKINNER AND BENN.
Where was I - Oh yes - Glynis said, " God how you have suffered ". No, says I = the miners are starving I'm being paid. All three turner their eyes - in that moment I realised that my LABOUR PARTY - under Svengali's , Blair's and Brown's influence had lost it's influence but decided to sell its soul too Murdoch, it's conscience to THE DAILY MAIL and IT's heart to THE MIRROR, provided they sacked Piers and Paul. MI5 job.
Don't worry - smile


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